Information about
Registration fees
Tuition costs
Local field consultant visits
Credentialing fees
iPad with manuals
Other recommended books
Early Childhood Credential
Registration fee $100
2025 Cohort Tuition $6,537
Credentialing Fees $363
Manuals $500 includes one iPad
Books $100
Total Expenses $7,600
The Early Childhood course cost includes: tuition, registration fee, and three (3) practicum visits by a consultant (only consultant’s car mileage will be reimbursed—air fare needs to be paid by Adult Learner if regional consultant is not available). Adult Learners are required to purchase manuals ($500) used for the course. A published book list is provided and we recommend Adult Learners purchase (approx. $100) or borrow “required” books and bring them to the summer sessions since they may be referred to in class.
The Early Childhood tuition and album cost listed above are guaranteed for the current course. Gulf Coast Montessori TEC reserves the right to increase tuition and fees for future courses. GCMTEC makes 12 positions available for each cohort. Adult learners who are on the waiting list will receive priority in filling those seats.
A comparison of the cost for a similar program at other schools is available by contacting TWC at the address shown below.
Elementary I-II Credential
Registration fee $100
2024 Cohort Tuition $8,800
Credentialing Fees $400
Manuals $500 includes one iPad
Books $100
Total Expenses $9,900
The Elementary I-II course cost includes: tuition, registration fee, and four (4) practicum visits by a consultant (only consultant’s car mileage will be reimbursed—airfare needs to be paid by Adult Learner if regional consultant is not available). Adult Learners are required to purchase manuals ($500) used for the course. A published book list is provided and we recommend Adult Learners purchase (approx. $100) or borrow “required” books and bring them to the summer sessions since they may be referred to in class.
The Elementary I-II tuition and album cost listed above are guaranteed for the current course. Gulf Coast Montessori TEC reserves the right to increase tuition and fees for future courses. GCMTEC makes 15 positions available for each cohort. Adult learners who are on the waiting list will receive priority in filling those seats.
A comparison of the cost for a similar program at other schools is available by contacting TWC at the address shown below.
Montessori Administration Credential
Total Expenses $6,800
A comparison of the cost for a similar program at other schools is available by contacting TWC at the address shown below:
Texas Workforce Commission
Career Schools and Colleges
Room 226T, 101 East 15th Street
Austin, TX 789778-0001
(Phone) 512-936-3100